Elbert christian church

Loving God * Loving Others * Bringing Hope



Worship Service – 12/8/24

Message Title: “Keeping Christmas Simple”

Year after year, Christmas seems to get more more complicated and convoluted. This year, why not focus on making it simple, Christ-centered and Christ-like? And in the process, make it more meaningful, too?
Join us as we discover some ways to do it successfully.
Worship Service – 12/1/24
Message Title: “The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same.”
 From Acts 17:22-34
Has the world really changed? People have not changed. God has not changed. We still must seek God. We still must repent.
How do you want to be remembered?.

Worship Service – 11/24/24

Message Title:  “Reasons We Should Be Thankful to God”

Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!

Worship Service – 11/17/24.

Message Title:  “The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same.” 

The election is over. Some say things are going to change. Will they really? Who knows.

God’s Word tells us that there is nothing new under the sun. Do you really believe it? You should.

What does change really mean for those in Christ? That is the question.

Worship Service – 11/03/24

Message Title: “Your Vote Counts”

When we, as Christians, refuse to vote, we allow non-Christians to choose other non-Christians to lead us. Sometimes we fail to remember that elections are the means by which we give someone else legal authority over our lives. That includes your family, your business, and even your church.
If you haven’t already, go vote! If you need help understanding the issues or getting to the polls, call us!

Worship Service – 10/27/24

Message Title: “The Bible, The Church & Israel”

The restoration of Israel as a nation in 1948 has sparked endless debates about the end times. What does the Bible actually say about Israel’s restoration and God’s promises to His people? What is a Christian response to the current war in Israel? And to war in general? We’ll tackle these questions and more!

Worship Service – 10/20/24

Message Title: “The Biblical Definition of Marriage”

Marriage is as old as human civilization itself. It was established by God with Adam and Eve. For thousands of years, it has been universally understood and respected. Yet, now it is being undermined by those who reject the sovereignty of God and the authority of his word, and many are being deceived by a counterfeit. This week we will examine the real thing.

Worship Service – 10/13/24

Message Title: “Pro God, Pro Life”

When does life begin? Is an unborn baby a person? Is it part of a woman’s body? Does the government have a right to control what you do with your body? Is God pro life or pro choice? Does God’s Word even address the subject? Where should a Christian stand on this issue?

If you have ever asked or been asked any of these questions, you won’t want to miss my message this Sunday. I will be as straightforward and clear as I can. Most importantly, I will show you what God has said.

Worship Service – 10/6/24

Message Title:  “What Does God Have to Say About Immigration?”

He actually says a lot! We have obligations to immigrants and they have obligations, as well.

As is so often the case, knowing the right thing to do isn’t difficult but doing the right thing is another story.

Worship Service – 9/29/24

We had such a wonderful 5th Sunday service. The theme was “Redeemed.” Lots of special music and great message by Zach Vandergriff.

Being redeemed is the greatest free gift ever given. 
So “let the redeemed of the Lord, say so!”
Watch to find out how you may be redeemed if you haven’t 
made that choice yet.

Worship Service – 9/22/24

Melton Family Singers

We had such a special service today with the Melton Family Singers!  What a wonderful blessing!  Be sure and watch this so you may be blessed too!

Worship Service – 9/15/24

Message Title: “When Is It Okay to Disobey?”

As we saw last week, we are subject to our government’s authority because God has established it to enact justice. That is, it should protect the innocent and punish evildoers.

Yet, what should we do when our government fails to fulfill its God-given responsibilities? It may surprise you to learn that there are many instances of civil disobedience in Scripture that God honored. Join us as we look at a few of them together.

Worship Service – 9/8/24

Ask What You Can Do For Your Country.”

JFK wasn’t the first one to say these words but he is certainly remembered for them. I wonder what he would think of his country today. Some were afraid that, as a Catholic, he would be a minion of the Roman Catholic Church. It sounds silly today. Our current president is Catholic and it doesn’t seem to affect him at all.

Seriously though, what does God say about what we should do for our country? Join us and find out!

Worship Service – 9/1/24

Message Title – “One Nation Under God”

Yeah, we’re going there. Religion and politics.

Why? God governs the universe and ordained government before we knew we needed it. He has quite a bit to say about it that we all need to hear.

Worship Service – 8/25/24

Message Title: “Turning Your Trials Into Testamony”

Worship Service – 8/18/24

Message Title:  ” Dealing with Depression”

Major depression seems to be rising in our society. Whether it’s actually increasing or just being more recognized, I’m not able to answer. Yet, I do know what it feels like and you probably do, too, or you know someone who does.

Depression happens and sometimes it can lead to a crisis of faith but it doesn’t have to. Thankfully, Jesus himself shows us a way to resist the temptations that come with those sad periods of life.

Worship Service – 7/28/24

We had a special service today with the kids from VBS singing their songs. And a special skit by Hannah Farthing and Karen Carnahan showing us what “Turnabout Point” was all about this past week.
Worship Service – 7/21/24

Message Title: “Stages of Unbelief”

Join us for Stages of Unbelief, Part 2 – Denial as we explore how to overcome doubt and develop more confidence in God and the Gospel.
Worship Service 7/14/24

Message Title: “Stages of Grief/Disbelief”

If you have suffered a loss, and most of us have, then you 
have experienced the stages of grief.
Such times also shake our faith in God. Join us in Trace’s new 
series “Stages of Unbelief” as we explore how the grief process also 
applies to a crisis of faith in Jesus Christ.
Worship Service – 7/7/24

Message: “The Real, Historical Jesus”

Who is Jesus? Was He just a prophet? Was He created? Who do you think He is? The book of John tells us many things about who Jesus really is.

 Join us to find out what the scripture says about who Jesus is.


Special 5th Sunday Service today – 6/30/24
Theme & Message: “Come to the River” – A look at Jesus’ baptism found in Matthew 3:3-17.
Lots of special songs and groups including the ECC kids. A very special testimony from Jonathan Moody. A message about baptism and more.
Will you come to the river as Jesus did? Join us to hear more!

Worship Service – 6/23/24

Message Title: ” Choose to Honor God”

Psalm 24:1 The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, The world, and those who live in it.”
The implications of this verse, and the dozens of other scriptures like it, are astronomical. What happens when we start seeing ourselves, our family, and all we know and have as belonging to God? The universe and everyone in it is in his care and under his authority. Yet, he gives us a choice to honor him or not. Together, we’ll explore the answer in God’s Word.
Worship Service – 6/16/24 

Message Title: “The Meanest Dad in the World”

Are you the meanest dad in the world? Every father wears that title once in a while. Why? Sometimes kids don’t realize that what they want is not what they need. As a dad, it’s often up to you to make the hard call between the two.
A good father will do whatever he has to do to protect and provide for his kids. A godly father knows that Jesus is the best one to help him. God’s Word gives us a great example of that kind of father. Join us for Father’s Day and discover more.
Worship Service – 5/26/24 

Message Title: “How to Really Love Your Husband’

There are a lot jokes about how wives love and care for their husbands. As one woman once said, “You have to laugh to keep from crying about it.” God’s instructions for how to love your husband are surprisingly simple.
Join us and discover how to really love your husband!

Worship Service – 5/19/24

Message Title:  “How to Really Love Your Wife”

Some believe there must be some secret to being a great husband but there’s not. God’s word is clear. It just takes commitment and courage.

Join us and discover how to really love your wife!

Worship Service – 5/12/23

Message Title: “How to be the Worst Mom in the World

Worship Service – 5/5/24

Message Title:  “There’s a First Time for Everything”

Your first day of school. The first time you rode a bicycle. The first time you drove an automobile. Your first job. Your first child. Life is full of firsts. They can be intimidating but they can also open up new opportunities!

This Sunday we’ll explore several “firsts” of the early church. Hopefully, they’ll give us some confidence to face the challenges of some “firsts” in our lives as we strive to live for Christ. Join us!

Worship Service – 4/28/24

Message Title:  “Two Paths:

Every day we are faced with choices. The right choice can move us upward, onward, and forward. The wrong choice can cost us, sometimes dearly. How do we make sure we are choosing the right path?

The early Christians faced a fork in the road. Some chose one way and some chose another. One was wrong, the other right.

This week we’ll explore biblical principles for choosing the right path.

 Worship Service – 4/21/24

Message Title: “From Conflict to Consensus”

Conflict is an inevitable part of life – at home, at work, and even at church. It’s been said that some of us are like porcupines in a snowstorm. We need each other to keep warm but we prick each other if we get too close.

Join us as we explore how the apostle Peter managed and resolved a potential rift in the early church.

Worship Service –  4/14/24

Message Title:  “K.I.S.S. – Keep it Simple Stupid”

Sometimes we make things way too complicated. Relationships. Family. Work. Cleaning out the closet. Even our relationship with God and His church can get more complicated than it should be. It wasn’t always like that.

The truth of the Gospel is refreshingly simple! Join us as we rediscover how simple our relationship with our Savior can be.

Worship Service – 4/7/24

Message Title: “Not Ability, But Availability”

When it comes to how we can serve God, we sometimes get overly concerned about our skills and abilities, or lack thereof. Usually, the issue is not what can you do, but what are you available to do. I heard an old preacher once say, “God doesn’t call the qualified. He qualifies the called.” And guess what. We are all called!

Join us as we discover how God does the heavy lifting, and we just need to be available.

Worship Service – 3/31/24


He has risen!  He has risen indeed!


Worship Service – 3/24/24

Message Title: “Beyond the Obvious”

Sometimes God asks us to look beyond the obvious and see a deeper truth or principle at work. This Sunday we’ll look at how God led Peter to see a truth beyond the obvious and what we can learn from his example.

Worship Service – 3/17/24

Message Title:  “What Does a Christian Need To Do That Does Not Make Him A Christian?”

The answer may surprise you!  Join us to find out!

Worship Service – 3/10/24

Message Title: “Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere”

I used to joke that there were only two times you needed your Bible, when you’re at church and when you’re not. I know, it’s campy. At the risk of being even more campy, the best place and time to share the Gospel is any place and any time.

Join us as we discover what amazing things God can do any time and any place!

Worship Service – 3/3/24

Message Title:  “What Does Every New Believer Need?”

Worship Service – 2/25/24

Message Title:  “Will You Answer?”

Some talk about their “calling” from God as a life long mission, but that’s not the only kind of call God makes. Sometimes, he calls us to do a quick one-time task. Either way, the right thing to do is answer Him. Join us as we learn from a man who had understandable reasons to not answer. Thankfully, he did and helped change the course of history.

Worship Service – 2/18/24

Message Title:  “SON-stroke!”

The man who wrote two thirds of the New Testament was once a persecutor of Christians. However, on the way to Damascus to find more Christians, he experienced SON-stroke and one of the worst enemies of the church became one of its greatest leaders.

Join us as we explore the conversion of Saul of Tarsus who became the Apostle Paul.

Worship Service – 2/11/24

Message Title:  “What’s Your Mission?”

Some have the misconception that when you come to Christ and receive salvation, your job is done. The truth is that you were dead in sin and powerless. Now, you are alive in Christ and your journey has just begun. You share the mission Christ gave, the Great Commission. Come and see how one man did it, and how you can do it, too!

Worship Service – 2/4/24

Message Title:  “Used, but not Used Up”

In 1984, Waylon Jennings released the hit single, “I May Be Used (But Baby I Ain’t Used Up). Like most hit songs, the message resonated with people. Most of us know what it’s like to be used and abused. This Sunday we’re going to discover some ways to recognize users and abusers. Most importantly, we’ll learn being used and abused doesn’t mean you’re used up. God still has great plans for you!

Worship Service – 1/28/24
Message Title: “Persecution into Pleasure”
What can turn sorrow into joy? What can turn sadness into happiness? What can turn trials into triumphs? The God who created everything from nothing can. He’s done it countless times. And yes, he can even turn persecution into pleasure. Through Christ, the trials we face today can be the victories we celebrate tomorrow. Join us as we discover how!

Worship Service – 1/21/24
Message Title: “The Face of Evil”
There is evil in this world. We face it every day. Sometimes it is obvious. Other times it is subtle. No matter what form it takes, we must boldly stand against it. When we do, God will deliver us. As Psalm 27 declares, “The Lord is my light and my Salvation; Whom shall I fear?” Join us as we discover how to stand in the face of evil.

Today’s Worship Service – 1/14/24

Message Title: “Why Do People Reject Christ?”

We all know someone who has rejected Christ, maybe even in our own family. While the truth of the Gospel may seem clear to us, they refuse to accept it. Why? We’re going to look at a few reasons and what we can do to help them see the light.

Worship Service – 1/7/24

Message:  “Be a Warrior for God”

Dallas Schroeder, preaching

Worship Service – 12/31/23

Message Title:  “Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024”

Reflecting on the past while anticipating the future is a balancing act. Leaning too far one way or the other means missing an opportunity or forgetting why you’re here. Join us as we discover how to gracefully live with the past and faithfully face the future. 

Christmas Eve Service – 12/24/23

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you who is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.                                                                          Luke 2: 11,12

Jesus is the reason for the season!

Merry Christmas!

Worship Service – 12/24/23

Message Title:  “The Promise of Joy”

Isaiah predicted the birth of Christ and the promise of joy it would bring. Discover how you can have the joy of the Lord in your life as we celebrate the birth of Jesus together.

Worship Service – 12/17/23 

Message Title: “You Are Not Alone”

Technology and social media claim to connect people more than ever before but it’s not true. It just gives us a window to look through while remaining outside and disconnected.

The birth of Christ is real proof that we are not alone. Emmanuel means “God is with us.” It’s the next Christmas promise we’ll explore in Isaiah.

Worship Service – 12/10/23

Message Title: “Peace on Earth”

The angels declared peace on earth at the announcement of Jesus birth. Yet, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of peace in the world. What gives? You can have the peace of Jesus despite the chaos in the world. Come see how!

Worship Service – 12/3/23

Message Title: “God is There”

Psalm 139 asks “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.”

God is there wherever there is. Join us to explore this amazing truth!


Today’s Worship Service – 11/19/23 

(Title is wrong on the video title.)

Message Title:  “How to Fulfill God’s Purpose for Your Life”

Worship Service 11/12/23

Message Title: “Trust God Always”

We’ve been examining Stephen’s defense of his faith in Acts 7. This week we’ll see how God is in control even in the worst of times and how His plan for you may not be what you think, but it is better.


Worship Service 11/5/23

Message Title:  “Don’t Expect a Fair Fight”

When you take a stand for Christ, expect challengers. Expect a crowd, but don’t expect a fair fight. Your opponent will cheat, lie, steal, or whatever he needs to do for the KO. Discover how to win against all odds in this multi-part series about Stephen.



Worship Service – 10/22/23

Message Title: “Don’t Expect a Fair Fight – Part 1

When you take a stand for Christ, expect challengers. Expect a crowd, but don’t expect a fair fight. Your opponent will cheat, lie, steal, or whatever he needs to do for the KO. Discover how to win against all odds in this multi-part series about Stephen.

Worship Service – 10/8/23

Message Title:  “Only Jesus Holds the Key”

God’s kingdom is not a social club. Members don’t decide if you can join and you can’t buy or earn your way in. Only Jesus holds the keys to the kingdom. Only he decides who to let in or shut out. It really doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Whether that is comforting or disturbing depends on your relationship with Christ.

Join us as we look at the sixth letter to the seven churches in Revelation.

Worship Service – 10/1/23

Message Title:  “Church of the Living Dead”

When is a church dead but doesn’t know it? That is the question Jesus answers in his letter to the church at Sardis.

Join us as we look at the fifth letter to the seven churches in Revelation.

Worship Service – 9/24/23

Message Title: “Jezebel is Where?”

Jezebel was such an evil queen that thousands of years later we still revile her name. So, it’s a big deal when Jesus says that she is in your church! What does that even mean? It means things are pretty bad.

Join us as we look at the fourth letter to the seven churches in Revelation.

Worship Service – 9/17/23

Message Title: “God Will Understand”

This may be the most dangerous excuse someone could ever make. It’s been used to for all kinds of reasons: to keep the peace and avoid conflict, to protect personal status, or for selfish indulgence. It’s impossible to be faithful to Christ and worship anyone or anything else. Yet, that is the lie the enemy wants us to believe. Indeed, many do. In his third letter to the seven churches, Christ calls us to remain pure and reject compromise.

Worship Service – 9/10/23

Message Title:  “Fearless and Faithful”

The Lord’s second letter in Revelation was to the church at Smyrna, a short but encouraging note to a persecuted but faithful people. You will also be encouraged to remain faithful even to death and receive crown of life.

Worship Service – 9/3/23
Message Title: “Rekindle the Flame”
In Biblical times, the city of Ephesus was steeped in idolatry and immorality. Remarkably, the church was strong and active. However, they had lost their first love. Is it possible to lose your passion for serving Christ? Can you get it back? Yes and yes!…
In this message we’ll discover how to rekindle the flame!

Worship Service – 8/27/23

Message Title: “Noble Men for a Noble Task”

Church Elders. They aren’t just old guys who run everything. The Scriptures tell us that they are noble men who keep watch over your soul. They have a unique set of skills and character qualities. Like most ministries, it is both a rewarding and thankless job. Who are these noble men and what
 is their noble task? Let’s find out.

Worship Service – 8/20/23

Message Title: “What is a Deacon? – Part 2”

What is one? What do they do? What does it take to become one? Where did the word even come from? Did the early church have them?
You may be surprised by the answers!

Worship Service – 8/13/23

Message Title: “What is a Deacon?”

What is one? What do they do? What does it take to become one?
 Where did the word even come from? Did the early church have them?
You may be surprised by the answers!

Worship Service – 8/6/23

Message Title: “A Healthy Church is not a Perfect Church”

A healthy church is a lot of things but problem free is not one of them. Actually, problems can be great opportunities for growth. The first century church is a great example of how a healthy church grows through problems. We can do the same!
Worship Service – July 30,2023

Message – “Parables of Jesus”

During the past week, children, teens and families joined together to learn about the parables of Jesus at Redemption Ranch VBS at Elbert Christian Church. Today we gave you a taste of what we did during the 
week with the children singing songs they learned.
Our mission for the week was Jireh Outreach Ministry in Perryton, Texas. On June 15, 2023, the town of Perryton was hit by a tornado. 200 homes were destroyed and five people died. Jireh Outreach Ministry lost their facility in the tornado and one of their volunteers was killed. A local church has helped the outreach to remain open, but there are hundreds of people to help and lots of rebuilding to be done.
Worship Service – 7/23/23

Message Title: “Enemies of the Cross”

What makes a person choose to fight against God? 
Do some people unknowingly fight against God?
The enemies of the cross are a diverse group. They come from many walks of life. Some are aware and some aren’t. However, they all share certain things in common. God’s Word shows us what they are and how we should respond. Be sure and join us to find out what they are!

Worship Service – 7/16/23

Message title: “When Suffering Brings Joy”

We’ve all heard crazy statements like, “He’s only happy when he’s angry.”
 To say that your suffering can bring you joy sounds a little crazy, too
. But it’s true. Suffering can bring joy when you suffer for the right reasons. Let’s explore some them together.

Worship Service – 7/9/23
Wonderful Ordination Service today. Sending those 
who are called out into ministry.

Worship Service – 6/25/23

Today’s Worship Service -6/18/23

Message Title: “What Makes a Great Church and Also Makes A Great Dad?”

What makes a church great? Size, music, preaching, youth programs? A great church may have such things but they are the result, not the cause. Join us to find out what really makes a great church. The
 same things that make a great church also make a great dad. 
Here’s a hint: It can’t be done without you!

Today’s Worship Service – 6/11/23

Message title: “Welcome to the Resistance”

In James, we are told, “Submit yourselves, then to God. 
Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”
Obeying the Gospel means choosing God and resisting the enemy. The Apostle Peter did it, and you can do it, too!
Welcome to the resistance.

Worship Service – 6/4/23

Message Title: “Turn Your Back on the World”

God calls us to turn our back on the world, not on the people in the world, but the world itself. In every one of the 66 books of the Bible, we are given a command or example to resist the ways of the world and follow God. It impossible to obey the Gospel unless we do. Easier said than done, right? Let’s talk about it.

Worship Service – 5/28/23

Message title: “Winners and Losers”

In every game, there are winners and losers, including the game of life. God wants everyone to be a winner in life. He offered us the ultimate MVP 
in his Son, Jesus Christ. Will you call his name or try to play without him?
Worship Service – 5/21/23

Message Title: “The Purpose of God’s Miracles”

When God does a miracle, it is always for a greater purpose than 
the miracle itself. Not to entertain or impress us. Not to reward us 
for good behavior and certainly not because we’ve earned it or deserve it. 
He always has something better, greater in mind.
Join us as we discover the true purpose behind God’s miracles 
and learn to appreciate them in your life.
Worship Service – 5/14/23

Message: “I Love You, Mom”

This Sunday is Mother’s Day!
Mom, you do so much more than we will ever know or be able to repay. You are a big reason we know what unconditional love is.
Join us as we honor our Mother’s.
Worship Service – 5/7/23

Message Title: “Be All You Can Be”

A slogan made popular by the Army. In the Army, you may be all you
 can be for a time, but in the family of God you can reach your
 full potential for eternity.
It’s true, but we don’t always feel that way. 
Do you wrestle with the question, “How can God use me?”
Listen to find the answer.

Worship Service – 4/16/23

Dallas Schroeder preaching

Worship Service – Easter Sunday – April 9, 2023

He is Risen!!

Celebrate with us!!
Worship Service – Palm Sunday – 4/2/23
Message title: ” Not Who the World Expects but Needs”
This Sunday is Palm Sunday, a week before Resurrection Day! Jesus rode
 into Jerusalem with cheers. By the end of the week, many of the 
same crowd were calling for his death.
Why? In short, Jesus wasn’t who they expected. He will never be 
what the world expects but he is exactly what we need.
Thank God!

Worship Service 3/26/23

“You Gotta Serve Somebody”

“In 1979, Bob Dylan won a Grammy for his song “Gotta Serve Somebody”. The chorus says, “It may be the devil. It may be the Lord, but you’re gonna have to serve somebody.”

He’s right. I hope you’re serving the Lord. It may surprise you what that really means. Let’s find out together!

Worship Service – 3/19/23

What Are You Wearing?

What you wear says a lot about what kind of person you are, what you do, and how you feel about yourself.

Most of us care about how we dress but have you thought about spiritual clothing? How we dress spiritually is much more important than how we dress physically. Nice clothes can’t hide being poorly dressed spiritually. Join us to explore the classiest styles in spiritual clothing!

Worship Service – 3/12/23

Message Title: “Don’t Look Down”

We’ve all done it, climbed too high, started second guessing yourself, and looked down. Now, your knees are weak, you’re getting a little dizzy, and you don’t want to move.

The same thing can happen in your spiritual life. In the physical world, the safest thing to do is probably to climb back down but not in the spiritual world. You are climbing for your life. Keep climbing! God’s Word shows us how.

Worship Service – 3/5/23

Message: ” How to Survive in a Dark and Dangerous Land”

The Bible tells us that we live in a fallen world. Of course, if you keep up with the news, it tells the same message: our world can be a dark and dangerous place. However, when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death we don’t have to fear evil because God is with us! He has also given us guidelines to survive in a dark and dangerous land.

Worship Service – 2/26/23

Message Title: “Our Last and Only Hope”

Why do so many headlines sound like memes from a dystopian science fiction novel? Why are dystopian movies so popular? Even Revelation, the last book of the Bible, is actually titled “The Apocalypse’. Could it be that we know that things usually get worse before they get better?

No matter how bad things get, there is hope but only in Jesus. Let’s see why.

Worship Service – 2/19/23
Message title: “Guard Your Freedom in Christ”

From political correctness to religious legalism, ungodly forces and philosophies attempt to strip away your freedom in Christ. Don’t fall for their deception. Join us as we discover how to identify and avoid their traps.

Worship Service – 2/5/23
Message title: “The Struggle of Ministry”
The Apostle Paul told the church that he struggled for them. How? Why? Do church leaders struggle on behalf the church still today? How can it be a struggle when they only work one day a week?
Trust me. The struggle is real. We’ll examine this more in this service.

Worship Service 1/22/23

Message:  All You Need is Jesus

Some don’t believeit. Some won’t accept it.  They think they need something extra, something different.  I promise you, whatever they think they need, it is something they control.  Jesus reigns supreme over all things – including you and me.  That;s what some can’t accept. Yet, those who do, know what it means to have true life!  Let’s explore this great truth in Colossians.

Worship Service – 1/15/23

Message:  “A Worthy Walk”

Sometimes the greatest challenge to our faith isn’t a major loss or hardship but complacency. This Sunday we’ll explore how to keep your edge and maintain a walk worthy of Christ’s call.

Worship Service – 1/8/23

Sermon title: “When You Don’t Know How to Pray.”

Sometimes we’re just at a loss on how to pray. Maybe we don’t understand enough to know what to ask. Maybe we aren’t sure that we’re asking for the right thing. The reasons could be endless.

So, what do you do when you don’t know how to pray or even what to pray for? My advice is to start with what you know. Join me Sunday and I’ll explain. It’s going to be a good day.

New Years Day Worship Service  – 1/1/23

Message: “Getting a Good Start”

There are few things that boost confidence in a new venture like a good start. We may have questions and doubts about the coming year, but we can have confidence in God. Join us as we jump into Paul’s letter to the Colossian church and discover insights on how start the year out right.